Search Results On work life (Page 1 of 2)

work life (Page 1 of 2)

  • stress, How your job is slowly driving you sleepless, how your job is slowly driving you sleepless, Work life

    How your job is slowly driving you sleepless? 2013-08-26 13:06:06

    With 65% of our waking hours spent at work, it's time we started considering the enormous impact it has on our lives, more so our sleep? Baffled! Read on. Have you ever paused to ask yourself the kind of hazards...

    Keywords: How your job is slowly driving you sleepless, health, sleep, stress

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    personal life, work, the work life balance putting priorities in order, Work life

    The Work-Life Balance; Putting Priorities In Order 2021-01-06 09:59:23

    With today’s bustling and growing economy, it is hard to maintain a balance between work life and our personal life. Some of us work for 10 hours a day and barely have any energy left to relax. Some of us...

    Keywords: personal life, personal life, lifestyle, personal life

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    TV SHOWS, prime video, eight tv shows you have to watch in february, Work life

    Eight TV Shows you have to watch in February 2021-02-01 12:17:27

    The year 2020 has been the year for TV shows. Since most people were working from home or were at home, viewers had more time to watch or catch up on their favourite shows. From new shows, to recurring seasons...

    Keywords: TV SHOWS, prime video, episodes, netflix

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    how to manage work and home, how to be a successful working mom, parent s work life affects child s health study, Work life

    Parent's Work Life Affects Child's Health: Study 2019-01-07 12:09:21

    Contrary to the belief that sick children can affect working parent's life, leaving them disturbed and bothersome, there is an impact on children's health due to a parent's work life, too. The work experiences of parents affect the health and...

    Keywords: child's health, working mom struggles, parents work life, balancing work and family essay

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    career goals, kids and work, successful women strike right work life balance, Work life

    Successful women strike right Work-Life balance! 2016-05-09 10:34:27

    Work-Life balance is a concept that may look pretty simple but needs to be tactfully dealt with! It is a lifestyle related choice of prioritizing between ‘work’ like career, ambition and ‘lifestyle’ i.e. family, health, pleasure and so on. Most...

    Keywords: Work life balance, kids and work, family life, Work life balance

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    Retirement, retirement tips, 5 tips for living a serene retirement, Work life

    5 Tips for Living a Serene Retirement 2018-11-01 11:46:58

    Retirement is going to roll around earlier than you believe, and if you have not put any thought into it, then it might be time to start. Gearing up for retirement early on has a range of benefits and ensures...

    Keywords: retirement life, work life, work life, retirement tips

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